2025 ENROLMENT – PRIMARY SCHOOL (Grade 2 to 7)

2025 Kenridge Primary (Gr2 – Gr7) Enrolments:


Learner Applications for Grades 2-7 (2025) will open on 1 August 2024 and close on 16 August 2024.

Please note applications must NOT be done on the WCED’s website.

The application form must be handed in at the school or it can be emailed to kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za

Click on the link below for the WCED Transfer Application Form between public schools:

Transfer Application Form

If you apply and you are currently at a private school, please contact Hanri Heystek (Enrolments) – kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za

The following documents must also be submitted:

  • Proof of residential address (only a municipal account or certified valid lease agreement of at least 1-year validity for 2025 will be accepted).
  • A certified copy of the learner’s birth certificate/passport is required.
  • Certified copy of ID document of biological parents/legal guardians.
  • Latest official school report (2024 term 1-2).
  • A certified copy of the immunisation card (Road to Health) is required.
  • Scanned colour photo.

The application is incomplete until all relevant supporting documents have been submitted to the school.

All Public Schools are required to adhere to the following WCED admission time frames:

  • School admissions open on Thursday, 1 August 2024
  • School admissions close on Friday, 16 August 2024
  • Parents are informed of the outcome by email on 1 October 2024
  • Parents must confirm or decline a place in writing within three days.


Please direct all enrolment enquiries to the Primary School at (021) 976-3046 or to Hanri Heystek (Enrolments) – kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za


Leerderaansoeke vir Graad 2-7 (2025) open 1 Augustus 2024 en sluit 16 Augustus 2024.


Neem kennis dat Aansoeke nie op die WKOD se webtuiste geskied nie.

Aansoeke moet ingehandig word by Laerskool Kenridge of e-pos dit na kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za


Klik op die skakel hieronder vir die WKOD Aansoekvorm tussen Publieke Skole:

Transfer Application Form

As u kind tans by ‘n privaatskool is en u wil aansoek doen, kontak Hanri Heystek (Inskrywings) – kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za

Die volgende dokumentasie moet asseblief die aansoek vergesel:

  • Bewys van residensiële adres (slegs munisipale rekening of gesertifiseede huurkontrak van ten minste 1 jaar geldigheid vir 2025 sal aanvaar word).
  • Gesertifiseerde afskrif van leerder se geboortesertifikaat/paspoort.
  • Gesertifiseerde afskrif van biologiese ouers/wettige voog se ID dokument.
  • Laaste amptelike skoolrapport ontvang (2024 termyn 1-2).
  • Gesertifiseerde afskrif van immuniseringskaart.
  • Geskandeerde kleurfoto.

Alle openbare skole is versoek om die volgende toelatings-tydraamwerk van die WKOD na te kom:

  • Skooltoelatings open op Donderdag, 1 Augustus 2024.
  • Skooltoelatings sluit op Vrydag, 16 Augustus 2024.
  • Ouers sal op 1 Oktober 2024, per e-pos, van die uitkoms in kennis gestel word.
  • Ouers moet binne drie dae die plek aanvaar, of afkeur.  Dit moet per epos geskied.

Rig asseblief alle inskrywingsnavrae aan die Laerskool by (021) 976-3046 of aan Hanri Heystek (Inskrywings) – kpsenrolments@kenridge.org.za