Back to school stationery requirements 2024: ENG / AFR

Stationery Cover Letter 2024: ENG/AFR

Welcome to Grade Three! This is a year of many firsts and a few lasts. Grade Three is such an exciting time as learners grow in their independence as learners. Our goals include guiding the learners to make progress in all subject areas, teaching them to become more responsible, and helping them with their interpersonal skills. This year will be full of important transitions. It is tremendously important to keep in mind that we all build on small successes. You can expect your child to work hard, learn a great deal, and have fun!

We have a very exciting year ahead of us with exploring themes like: All About Me, School, Fire and Safety, Insects, South Africa, Space and Healthy Living. What makes it even more exciting is that we have two outings planned where we will visit Butterfly World and the Planetarium to consolidate what we have learnt in our Insects and Space themes respectively.

The biggest event on the Grade Three calendar is SA day, where the dressed-up learners will spend a day taking part in loads of fun activities with some South African tradition behind them.

The Grade Three team includes:

Chrisna le Roux (Afr)

Réne van Staden (Eng)

Heather Keys (Eng –  Grade Head)

Lesley Anderson (Eng)

Kylie Poultney (Eng)

Danielle Morland (Afr)

Nericha van Niekerk (Afr)

Janine Blount (Eg

Marelize de Vos (Afr)

We are looking forward to helping your child grow to their fullest potential and to instil a desire to learn.

Grade Three Educators



Welkom in Graad Drie!  Hierdie is ‘n jaar vir baie eerstes en ‘n paar laastes.  Graad Drie is ‘n dinamiese jaar, ons leerders groei in hul onafhanklikheid as leerders.  Ons doelwitte sluit in: om die leerders te begelei om vordering te toon in alle vakke, om meer verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar en om hullle te help met sosiale vaardighede.  Hierdie jaar gaan gepaard met belangrike oorgange.  Dit is daarom van kardinale belang om te onthou dat ons altyd bou op vorige suksesse.  U kan van u kind verwag om hard te werk, baie te leer en baie pret te hê.

Ons het ‘n opwindende jaar wat voorlê, en gaan temas behandel soos: Alles oor my, Skool, Vuur en Veiligheid, Insekte, Suid-Afrika, Ruimte en Gesonde Leefstyl.  Wat dit nog meer interessant maak is die feit dat ons 2 uitstappies beplan na Butterfly World en Die Planetarium. Die doel hiervan is ter vaslegging van ons Insekte en Ruimte Tema, respektiewelik.

Die grootste gebeurtenis op ons Graad Drie kalender is SA-dag.  Leerders, geklee in trotse Suid-Afrikaanse drag, gaan die dag deelneem aan lekker aktiwiteite wat die Suid-Afrikaanse tradisie beklemtoon.

Die Graad Drie span is:

Chrisna le Roux (Afr)

René van Staden (Eng)

Heather Keys (Eng –  Grade Head)

Lesley Anderson (Eng)

Kylie Poultney (Eng)

Danielle Morland (Afr)

Lorriaan du Plessis (Afr)

Janine Blount (Eg

Marelize de Vos (Afr)


Ons sien uit daarna om u kind te help groei sodat hul volle potensiaal ontwikkel sal word, terwyl ons ‘n begeerte na leer by u kind aanwakker.

Graad Drie Opvoeders