Welcome to Grade Four and the Intermediate Phase

Welkom in Graad Vier en die Intermediêre Fase

The Grade Four Team / Die Graad Vier-span

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Stationery Cover Letter 2024: ENG/AFR

Important Dates Term 4/Belangrike Datums Kwartaal 4

With Grade Four being the first year in the Intermediate Phase, it is a year of many firsts and exciting challenges and experiences. This year will definitely be one of growth and it will present many opportunities for the learners to become more independent.
In Grade Four we aim to bring out the best in all of the learners and help them to realise that they have many talents and strengths. We also promote balance between academics, sports and cultural activities.

Meet the Grade 4 teachers:

The Grade Four team consists of: Michelle Greyvenstein (Grade Head), Sandra Zaayman, Raché de Villiers, Victoria Tottle, Jessica McEvoy, Ode Botha, Mariska Coetzee, Dorian Arnoldus, Macey Ngcwama and Keanen Lepotha (assistant).

General Information:

Please notify the class teacher via e-mail if your son/daughter is absent, stating the reason.

Please ensure that your son/daughter is at school on time. The school day starts at 07:40. Learners must be seated in class by this time. Arriving late often causes anxiety.
Music lessons during school hours:
The onus is on the learner to catch up on any classwork that is missed.

A term planner is provided in the second week of each term. Details of the content of every test requiring preparation are also provided (homework book, website and School Communicator).
All tests carry weight for the report.

Our policy is to set 45 minutes of homework per day (excluding test/exam preparation). This will consist mainly of Mathematics, reading and spelling.
Please practise bonds and tables daily.
Homework Books must please be signed daily by a parent/guardian.

Phys Ed:
Phys Ed is compulsory.
A letter from a parent is required to excuse a learner from a lesson. Attendance and participation marks are added to assessment marks for the term mark.
We aim to challenge the learners and expose them to new trends in exercise.

Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher when the need arises. It is important to have open and honest communication and to deal with any problems immediately.


Graad Vier is die eerste jaar in die Intermediêre Fase en dit is ook ‘n jaar met baie eerstes, baie uitdagings en ondervindings. Dit sal beslis ‘n jaar van groei wees en baie geleenthede word vir die leerders geskep word om hul selfstandigheid te ontwikkel.
In Graad Vier word elke leerder bewus gemaak van hul talente en sterk punte om hulle te help om net hul beste te lewer. Ons heg baie waarde aan die skep van ‘n balans tussen akademie, sport en kultuur.

Ontmoet die Graad 4 onderwysers:

Die Graad Vier span bestaan uit: Michelle Greyvenstein (Graadhoof), Sandra Zaayman, Raché de Villiers, Victoria Tottle, Jessica McEvoy, Ode Botha, Mariska Coetzee, Dorian Arnoldus, Macey Ngcwama en Keanen Lepotha (assistent).

Algemene inligting:

Stel asseblief u dogter / seun se klasonderwyser per e-pos in kennis as hy / sy afwesig is, met die rede daarvoor.

Leerders wat laat kom:
Probeer asseblief om u dogter / seun elke oggend betyds by die skool te besorg.
Die skooldag begin om 07:40. Leerders moet alreeds teen hierdie tyd in die klas wees. Laat aankoms veroorsaak dikwels angstigheid.

‘n Kwartaalprogram word in die tweede week van elke kwartaal verskaf. Inligting oor die inhoud van elke toets, waarvoor daar voorberei moet word, word ook verskaf (huiswerkboek, webwerf en ‘School Communicator’).
Alle toetse word in berekening gebring vir die rapportpunt.

Ons beleid is dat daar vir 45 minute per dag huiswerk gedoen moet word (toets- en eksamenvoorbereiding is nie ingesluit nie). Die huiswerk sluit hoofsaaklik Wiskunde, lees en spel in.
Getalkombinasies en tafels moet daagliks geoefen word.
Huiswerkboeke moet daagliks deur ouers / voogde geteken word.

Liggaamlike Opvoeding:
LO is verpligtend.
‘n Brief van ‘n ouer / voog word verlang om ‘n leerder van ‘n LO-les te verskoon.
Punte vir aanwesigheid en deelname word by assesseringspunte gevoeg om ‘n kwartaalpunt te bepaal.
Dit is ons doel om elke leerder bloot te stel aan nuwe soorte oefeninge.

Moet asseblief nie huiwer om u klasonderwyser te kontak as dit nodig is nie. Dit is belangrik om openhartige en eerlike kommunikasie te hê en onmiddellik probleme op te los.